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A Single LogiSwitch NoBounce IC Eliminated a User’s Nagging Switch Bounce Problems
Discover how our innovative NoBounce Technology eliminates switch bounce in LogiSwitch customer designs.Sean Heber designed an electronic Etch-A-Sketch that used rotary encoders for the two knobs. He experienced unsatisfactory operation until he realized that the...
July 2023 Newsletter
Mike's CornerMike Pelkey Founder & CEO, LogiSwitch Hi LogiSwitch supporters. I continue to be amazed at the broad diversity of our customer base. In the last three months, we have received orders from a tattoo removal company and an AI driven robot for cannabis...
LogiSwitch NoBounce IC CAD Libraries Are Now Available from SnapEDA
LogiSwitch, a leader in switch debounce electronics announced today that it has partnered with SnapEDA to make its NoBounce switch debounce IC CAD libraries available on the SnapEDA platform. This makes it easier for LogiSwitch customers to use LogiSwitch NoBounce ICs in their PCB design tools.
December 2022 Newsletter
Mike's Corner Mike Pelkey Founder & CEO, LogiSwitch Hi there, and Happy Holidays. I want to thank you for helping to make 2022 another banner year for LogiSwitch. This is our second consecutive year of strong growth. We continue to see robust expansion in “mission...
Introducing a 21st century solution to the problem of switch bounce
DENA July/August 2022 When a switch is actuated, the number of bounces can range between 1 to 100+ over the course of a fraction of a second to more than 6 milliseconds. One of the most common ways of controlling an electronic system is to use mechanical switches....
March 2022 Newsletter
Mike's CornerMike Pelkey Founder & CEO, LogiSwitchFirst of all, I want to thank you for making 2021 a phenomenal year. Our business grew significantly over 2020, and 2022 is looking to be another banner year. We are seeing robust growth in “mission critical”...
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