NoBounce ICs
LogiSwitch NoBounce™ ICs protect your system inputs from switch bounce and noise utilizing LogiSwitch’s proprietary NoBounce technology.

LS10 Series – Debounce/Noise-Rejection ICs
The LS10 Series of LogiSwitch debounce/noise filter chips features low-impedance 25 ms totem-pole outputs for each channel. Outputs and inputs are of the same polarity and may be selected for use as active high or active low. The LS10 Series utilizes LogiSwitch’s proprietary NoBounce™ technology resulting in a very high level of noise immunity. Noise spikes of less than 20 ms duration are prohibited from starting or terminating a cycle.

LS30-P Rotary Encoder Switch Debounce/Noise-Rejection IC
The LogiSwitch LS30 Rotary Encoder Switch Debounce IC utilizes LogiSwitch NoBounce™ Technology to debounce inherently noisy mechanical rotary encoders. The LS30 generates a clean Pulse (P) signal to indicate the end of a click cycle and the Direction (D) signal to indicate the rotation direction. There is also a Switch In (SI) and a corresponding debounced Switch Out (SO) in the case that the rotary encoder includes a pushbutton switch.

LS100 Series – Debounce/Noise-Rejection ICs with Handshake.
The LS100 line of Ultra-Fast Response Debounce ICs provides the circuit designer with the unique LogiSwitch NoBounce™ technology adaptive debounce logic and powerful handshake protocol for carefree, bounce-free, delay-free, and poll-free operation.
Adaptive debounce expands the debounce cycle to fix switch bounces of any duration without the use of external passive components or user-provided timing components. It is implemented using ultra-fast internal clocking and advanced bounce monitoring.