
Mike’s Corner

Mike Pelkey
Founder & CEO, LogiSwitch

We had major accomplishments last quarter:

  • LogiSwitch products are available on Digi-Key
  • Added an impressive technical advisory board
  • Good growth of our NoBounce™ debounce products in the industrial control and robotics sectors
  • Added an experienced marketing/sales professional
  • Launched a new website

We will soon release new peripherals to complement our Arduino Uno WorkBench™ prototyping board.

Please send me your suggestions for Arduino peripherals that you would like us to develop. We are open to any product suggestions that you have on any of our products.


LogiSwitch Products are Available on Digi-Key

We are proud to announce that we have signed a worldwide distribution agreement with Digi-Key.

Added Talented Technical Advisory Board

Clive “Max” Maxfield

Tom Anderson

We have added Clive “Max” Maxfield and Tom Anderson to our new Technical Advisory Board. Both are electronics industry well known senior verterans.

We Want Your Suggestions for Arduino Peripheral Boards

Please send us suggestions for our Arduino Prototype peripheral boards.

Excellent Tutorial on Switch Debounce

Clive “Max” Maxfield has written an excellent 9-part series on Switch Debounce. It is a good in-depth refresher on the topic.