
NoBounce™ ICs

The best (most accurate and no external components) debounce ICs in the market. NoBounce Technology guarantees you a reliable, clean, bounce-free input to your system.

Click button below to see a brief video explaining switch bounce.

The Switch Debounce Company

LogiSwitch was founded in 2016 by Mike Pelkey, a serial inventor and entrepreneur who has a long engineering career in industrial automation.

LogiSwitch’s NoBounce™ line of ICs  is a result of Mike’s 40+ year career in electronic design engineering where he developed switch bounce solutions for automation applications.

Customers Love the LS30 Rotary Encoder Debounce Solution

Customers are thrilled with the LogiSwitch LS30 Rotary Encoder Switch Debounce IC, which uses LogiSwitch NoBounce™ Technology to eliminate the noise from inherently noisy mechanical rotary encoders. Besides providing debounce functionality, the LS30 offers additional features that ensure smooth and noise-free operation of rotary encoders.

Recent News & Update

LogiSwitch Introduces Rotary Encoder Debounce IC

LogiSwitch, a leader in switch debounce electronics, has announced the release of the LS30 IC that not only removes noisy switch bounce induced signals from incremental rotary encoders but includes new functionality to indicate the direction of rotation.

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March 2024 Newsletter

With sadness, we announce the passing of LogiSwitch founder and CEO Mike Pelkey. He was a wonderful human being and a great creative engineer. His health had been failing over the last year, so he stepped back from day-to-day operations, but he was active in the company a couple of days before his passing.

Steve Pollock will move into the role of CEO and Clive “Max” Maxfield will continue in his role of CTO.

On a happier note, we are excited to announce the release of our new LS30 Rotary Encoder Switch Debounce/Noise Reduction IC. There is a new success story from

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July 2023 Newsletter

Mike's CornerMike Pelkey Founder & CEO, LogiSwitch Hi LogiSwitch supporters. I continue to be amazed at the broad diversity of our customer base. In the last three months, we have received orders from a tattoo removal company and an AI driven robot for cannabis...

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LogiSwitch NoBounce IC CAD Libraries Are Now Available from SnapEDA

LogiSwitch, a leader in switch debounce electronics announced today that it has partnered with SnapEDA to make its NoBounce switch debounce IC CAD libraries available on the SnapEDA platform. This makes it easier for LogiSwitch customers to use LogiSwitch NoBounce ICs in their PCB design tools.

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He discovered the LS30. “it worked great with way fewer components.” His rotary encoder switch bounce issues went away resulting in smooth operation. He commented: “these knobs feel great to turn.”


Sean Herber

Software Engineer

“After all my trials with the hardware debouncers recommended by the manufacturer, and after software attempts and combinations of both, this little IC just plugs and plays! It provides fully predictable clean operation!”


Guy Riffle

Retired, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

“I designed and built two different switch and lamp panels that allowed our software developer to simulate solenoids and position sensors to test their code before any machine was built. LogiSwitch NoBounce technology allowed me to connect them directly to the microcontroller with no debouncing software or hardware required. Their toggle and momentary functions were both used.”


Bill Turner

VP of Control Systems, Masterhaul

“I love the LogiSwitch LS19! Before I found it, I was using simple RC debounce (2 resistors, 1 cap per channel) plus software debounce. Your chip replaces 18 parts with 2 solder pads each. It reduces our customers’ soldering by over 50% and performs so much better. The LS19 IC is used to debounce the mechanical footswitches and encoders which are both notorious for being rather bouncy and generally don’t play well with microcontrollers without some kind of hardware debounce.”


Randall Reichenbach

Founder & CEO, Tree Fall Sound

“LogiSwitch worked with our engineering team to come up with an outstanding solution based on their NoBounce technology that met our design goals and quality standards. During our extensive lifecycle testing, we completed a series of tests culminating in a greater than 100,000 count lifecycle equivalence without a LogiSwitch board failure.”

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Keith W. Evans

Director of Engineering, Perry Baromedical

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