
Customer Success with LogiSwitch NoBounce™ Technology

Discover how our innovative NoBounce Technology eliminates switch bounce in LogiSwitch customer designs.

The Project

“I designed and built two different switch and lamp panels that allowed our software developer to simulate solenoids and position sensors to test their code before any machine was built. LogiSwitch NoBounce switches allowed me to connect them directly to the microcontroller with no debouncing software or hardware required. Their toggle and momentary functions were both used.”


Bill Turner, MASTERHAUL, VP of Control Systems

Key Challenges

  • Create a switch bounce free environment
  • Minimize additional hardware/software development

LogiSwitch Solution

  • Switches with NoBounce technology eliminated bounce
  • No additional hardware/software was required

About Masterhaul

Masterhaul’s (masterhaul.com) patented PowerLoader system is the world’s first robotic cargo system for vehicles. It allows humans or autonomous trucks to load and unload cargo automatically.
Additional features include:

  • A variety of attachments for almost any job.
  • Increases productivity. • Reduces work related injuries.
  • Cargo can easily be manouvered to its final destination.
  • Driverless delivery attachment.
  • Quick and easy to install (no drilling required).
  • Reduces the number of trucks and trailers needed in a fleet.

Robotic Cargo System


About LogiSwitch

LogiSwitch was founded in 2016 by Mike Pelkey, a serial inventor and entrepreneur who has a long engineering career in industrial automation. LogiSwitch’s NoBounce line of ICs and switches is a result of Mike’s 40+ year career in electronic design engineering where he developed switch bounce solutions for automation applications.

The Solution

The Solution