Mike’s Corner

Mike Pelkey
Founder & CEO, LogiSwitch
Hello there and welcome to the October 2021 issue of our LogiSwitch newsletter. I’m delighted to inform you that we’ve had some major accomplishments since our previous newsletter.
Our business is seeing significant growth in all sectors of the electronics industry. We are particularly excited to see our NoBounce(tm) technology being designed into some major products in the medical, military, consumer, and industrial control markets. These products are currently moving from prototype to production manufacturing
I am also happy to announce that we have made some significant enhancements to our 19 mm and 22 mm vandal-resistant, IP67, LED-illuminated switch line. We are calling this our LSVR Series.
I want to thank our valued customers for contributing to our success. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or product suggestions, or if we can be of any assistance to you with respect to debouncing your projects.

New LSVR Series of
Vandal-Resistant NoBounce Switches
The LSVR Series of IP67 vandal-resistant pushbutton, LED-illuminated switches have built-in NoBounce technology to eliminate switch bounce while providing additional features to enhance the system design. These switches have compact built-in switch debounce electronics and include an industry-standard 6-pin IDC interface for a more reliable physical connection.
These full-featured switches fit the same form factor of conventional vandal-resistant switches, with additional features that enable efficient interfacing to today’s high-performance electronic systems. The new LSVR series switches incorporate LogiSwitch’s proprietary NoBounce technology and come with three separate clean, debounced outputs, including two momentary selections: normally high (low when pressed) or handshake and a latched (push-on/push-off) selection.
Masterhaul Uses LogiSwitch’s NoBounce Switches in a Robust Test System
“I designed and built two different switch and lamp panels that allowed our software developer to simulate solenoids and position sensors to test their code before any machine was built. LogiSwitch NoBounce technology allowed me to connect them directly to the microcontroller with no debouncing software or hardware required. Their toggle and momentary functions were both used.”
Bill Turner, Masterhaul, VP of Control Systems
Tree Fall Sound Replaces 18 Components with One LogiSwitch NoBounce IC
“I love the LogiSwitch LS19! Before I found it, I was using simple RC debounce (2 resistors, 1 cap per channel) plus software debounce. Your chip replaces 18 parts with 2 solder pads each. It reduces our customers’ soldering by over 50% and performs so much better. The LS19 IC is used to debounce the mechanical footswitches and encoders which are both notorious for being rather bouncy and generally don’t play well with microcontrollers without some kind of hardware debounce.”
Randall Reichenbach, Tree Fall Sound Founder & CEO